Tuesday 26 July 2011

July 25 2011 Falcon Lake

Monday July 25 2011
We are staying 2 more nights, Johnny is coming in tomorrow night so will stay and spend the night with them.  We are now in F1, a little noisier as nearer to the main campsite road but .... we are across from the internet cafe so our internet works here pretty awesome.  We  went into Kenora for awhile today, picked up a few things we needed, then stopped at Joel's and left a note on his door to tell him we are still here.  It is cooler today so sat and read and did the darn Crypto things again, outside when there was sun.  Came in earlier, no fire tonight, and played backgammon (3 games).  Watched another episode of Sons of Anarchy.  We will be moving tomorrow to a new site again!!!!!!

July 24 2011 Falcon Lake Campground

Guys cooking pickeral they caught this morning
Deer at Joel's place
Sunday July 24 2011
Hank and Joel went pickeral fishing today, Hank left about 7:30, picked Joel up and drove into Kenora to Joel's friends place then went out in his boat on Lake of the Woods.  They had a great time and caught 9 pickeral between them.  They brought them back to our campsite and had them all cleaned waiting for supper.  They got back mid afternoon and we just hung out here and visited.  Supper was fantastic, best fish ever!!!!!!  They cooked it in oil outside on the little burner, with a little coating on it.  It was like eating candy.  They thought they had too much fish but we ate all of it except 3 tiny pieces.  Hank and Joel fixed our awning that had an issue, another comedy routine!!!!!  Took Joel back to his place, we have had a great visit with him, wonderful to see him.  We are maybe leaving in the morning, will see, we are trying to see if we can meet up with cousin John, he is on his way back from the east coast, will find out in morning if our paths will cross. 

July 23 2011 West Hawk Lake

Joel built a really sturdy, big picnic table
fingerling trout in these troughs (50,000)
fish release stream
looking for parts on the ground from the trailer handle
F2-11 our site for 3 nights
Saturday July 23 2011
Got to Joel’s about 11 and worked on computers, got travel blog updated and anti virus and fire fox downloaded on Joel’s computer.  Hank and Joel worked on crypto puzzles and then fixed Joel’s bed and a window frame that is messed up.  We had lunch at Joel’s.  Went to a fish Hatchery down the road from Joel on Hwy#44 near Caddy Lake.  Had a short tour of the place.  Lots of different kind of trout.  The water is all natural fed from West Hawk Lake and back into Whiteshell River.  Thousands of fingerling trout there right now.  Back to Joel's and got some firewood for tonight.  Then back to the trailer to make supper and have a fire.  It rained for a bit but the fire kept going and we sat under the awning.  Cleared up after a bit so we were able to go back to the fire pit.  The handle by the door broke (when Joel touched it lol) so took pics of Hank and Joel on hands and knees looking for springs and other parts on the ground.  Poor Joel just touch and break and fix lol!  I guess we need some new parts for the handle it was rusted and ready to break anyway, he just saved us from losing it on the road somewhere.  The guys got the fishing stuff ready as they are going fishing in the morning with Joel's friend Gord on Lake of the Woods in Kenora.  It rained again so we were in the trailer earlier and watched another episode of Sons of Anarchy.

Saturday 23 July 2011

July 22 2011 Falcon Beach

Friday July 22 2011
The people that were in the spot we were moving to left around 9:30 so we got packed up and moved over around 11:00.  Nice to be set up early.  We went to do laundry and try to get internet service and update travel journal on blog.   Internet was really slow up at the cafe and had to wait in line to do laundry.  Spent about 2 1/2 hours up there getting things done.  The internet was so slow that I only got one day done on blog.  Oh well if this keeps up will have to finish when we get home.  Camping Tip.... don't have your toenails painted up when camping....a little squirrel came up and tried to take one...... he clamped right on the nail of my middle toe.... scared me and I jumped and he ran...... pretty funny though.  We sat in the sun for awhile today, nice temps today, cool in the shade but really nice in the sun. Joel came out for supper and fire.  We cooked one of Oma's apple pies for dessert.   Good time!  Coming back from Joel's I saw a black bear on the side of the road!  Thank goodness he stayed there and didn't come out on the road.  Supposed to rain tomorrow, so we will go to Joel's and hopefully work on computer for a bit with him.

July 21 2011 Falcon Lake Manitoba

Campsite E16 for 2 nights Falcon Beach Camp

Joel's way of corn shucking not the same as Hanks
Joel, sunburnt from working outside all the time
Thursday July 21 2011
Joel talking to Josh on the phone
We had a good sleep the weather has cooled down, didn't wake up till 8.  Started looking for a campsite.  Went to the office but they were closed till 11 so decided to sit there as it is only 20 minutes.  A RCMP came up and asked if he could help us and we told him we were just waiting to talk to them about any cancellations for sites.  He told us to try Lakeshore Camp and we asked where that was, he said follow me and escorted us to the next camp ground.  Really nice guy, lots of laughs, he went right in the office with us.  Felt like royalty, even though they couldn't help us.  We couldn't do laundry, there was a line up waiting.  We talked to Agnes and Amy on skype for a few minutes (then internet cut out) great to talk to them though.  We go to the office every hour to see if they have had any cancellations for the weekend.  Finally at 3:00 Hank went to check and they had one that we can get into for all 3 nights that we need and we can have hydro, no water but we can fill up the trailer tank so no problem, we are thrilled!!!!!!!!!!  Weren't sure where we were going to be.  So  now we are set till Monday when we are heading home.  Joel came for supper and we had a bon fire, great catching up with him, lots of laughs too.  We talked to Josh while he was here too, I took a pic of Joel talking to Josh and he is hiding behind his hand.  Joel phone is broken right now so it was good that they could catch up with each other on our phone.  Joel is getting a new one next week. 

July 20 2011 Falcon Beach Manitoba

more water on the way out of Brandon
Bridge of Rain, pretty neat
Wednesday July 20 2011
Left Brandon about 10:30am heading for Falcon Lake.  We got here about 3:00pm  They didn't have the campsite we wanted available..... and hardly anything at all.  We want to stay 5 nights, they could only find us a spot for 2 nights, and we will have to keep checking for cancellations for the rest. We are in E16, not bad site but right on the road in the campground so have to wave and say hi a lot to people going past.   Their might be some basic sites available, no water/hydro etc but in this heat that might be terrible.  Oh well deal with that tomorrow.  We went to see Joel after work, he is exhausted and we just visited a bit and will see him tomorrow.  He is really sun burnt, working building docks in the water and of course no shirt on.   Anyway he looks good and is happy and likes his job. 

July 19 2011 Brandon Manitoba

cooling off at Doug and Darlene's
lots of water where it shouldn't be
gazebo in Brandon, more of it showing now
Assiniboine River still overflowing
Tuesday July 19 2011
Left Indian Head 8:30am and 80 degrees already!  Diesel $1.22/l.  At Wapella we thought we saw a dead penquin on the side of the road, think we been on the road too long or made a really wrong turn!!!!!!  We hit 10,000 km on this trip at Fleming, Sask.  Crossed into Manitoba at 11:30am.   Going into Brandon the bags to hold back the water are still up.  One layer off but the rest still there.  Got to Doug and Darlene's about 2:30pm.  Had a nice visit with them although short as we are leaving tomorrow morning to head to Falcon Lake to see Joel before heading home.  It was so hot in Brandon 91 I think.  We all sat outside later in the evening when it was at least breathable and put our feet in their granddaughters little pool, it really helped too.  We just left the truck and trailer on the street and slept in the house, it would have been way to hot in the trailer for us.  We really appreciated the house and air conditioning, thanks Doug and Darlene!!!!!!

July 18 2011 Indian Head Saskatchewan

fields not planted due to water
Mortlach, grain
a lot of water still in the fields
Monday July 18 2011
Left at 8:30am heading for Indian Head, Saskatchewan.  There is lots of water laying around, tooks pics.  Reed Lake has really overflowed, we don't think people built there fences and put hydro poles in the middle of the lake!  I had seen a place that I would like to visit when we came by on our way out to BC and so we decided we would do it on this trip back, it is called Mortlach, sounded like some neat artsy shops etc.  So we found the place and went off the highway and walked around to the shops and all were closed, go figure.  Don't go there, especially on a Monday I guess.  Took a picture of an old grain building, I remember these when I went on the train out to BC as a kid and thought they were neat.   Driving on the Trans Canada after Moose Jaw is terrible, the road is really bad.  We stopped in Moose Jaw, picked up some groceries, topped up the fuel and Hank bought a tape recorder to tape the noise the truck is making so hopefully when we get home someone can figure out the problem.  We got to Indian Head about 2:30, to Indian Head KOA campground.  The lady said at first that she couldn't help us as they were full or reserved.  She finally found us one that we could back into.  Not bad but near a road and a railway so a bit noisey.  It is very hot so we went swimming, really refreshing.  We had to turn the air conditioning on in the trailer.  Sat outside, there was a breeze, the fireflys are all over the place and land on you and just sit there.  The lady here said they are keeping the mosquitos down though. 

July 17 2011 Swift Current Saskatchewan

Sunday July 17 2011
Fire is still burning so we took our breakfast out there and ate.  We decided to head out today and start heading toward Manitoba.  We left about 11 and headed for Swift Current  Saskatchewan.  Took pics of water still laying on the land, some places not even planted.  Driving thru Medicine Hat, we noticed off to the left on the Trans Canada that we could see where cousin John works, we were there on the way thru a few weeks ago.  We stopped about 2:30 for gas and lunch, it is 88 degrees.   We crossed into Saskatchewan at 3:30.  We stayed at Trail Campground in Swift Current, easy to get into and all pull thru sites with full hook up, $28.00.  Late getting in and hot and tired so easy supper and early night.

Quiet morning at camp
Lots of water in the fields still and lots of land not planted

July 16 2011 Long View Alberta

Susie and their red neck camper
river running thru gravel pit campground
some of the people at the gravel pit campground
Bronc riding
Bull Riding, Yee Haw, my favorite!!!!!!!
Saturday July 16 2011
Left early for Longview so we can get there in time to set up at gravel pit for camping and then get to the parade for 10:00am.  Diesel in Black Diamond is $1.13/l.  Walked around Longview after the parade, visited with some horses, went to the Longview Jerky store.  We went back to the campground after the parade to wait for the rodeo which doesn't start till 6:30pm.  Lots of laughs, met lots of Dale's relatives, played the bean bag toss game (we were the new reigning champs for a while, beat out Sue and Darren they have been the champs.  After a few games we lost too, oh well in the glory for a bit.  Hank needs to build one of these games.  Hank played horseshoes by himself for a bit.  Sat around the fire.  We went to the rodeo, of course I took lots of pics.  It was over by 9.  Short but a good little rodeo, really enjoyed it.  Finally I got to a rodeo!!!!!!!!!!!!  We came back to the gravel pit and sat around the fire for a bit then off to bed around 11.

Bean Bag game

July 15 2011 Turner Valley Alberta

heading to town of Frank
Friday July 15 2011
Town of Frank is buried under a rock slide early 1900's still under there
scenery changes around every corner
Left Mount Fernie at 10:00am.  Still on following hwy #3.  Today we go thru Crows Nest Pass.  We were stopped in traffic for paving for a while so we got our books and were reading.  Hank looked up and realized the traffic had moved and we were still reading, had to hurry up and catch up, we were holding everyone up as it was down to one lane for both directions of traffic, pretty funny!!!!!  We got to the Alberta border at 10:45am.  We drove thru the town of Frank (well what is left of Frank).  There was a rock slide here, a long time ago, that covered the town with huge rocks, took some pics, the town is still buried under there, wow!  We had an appt in Pincher Creek, GM dealer for truck, at 2:30 so headed there, we were early so unhooked and went for lunch.  They did diagnostics on truck and changed fuel filter but couldn't find anything else wrong.  We left there to head for Susie's and 20 minutes away from the GM dealer the truck started doing it again, so $200 later it is still not fixed.   We got to Sue and Dale's about 5:00, just stayed there for the night, everyone was tired, we will go camping at the gravel pits tomorrow.
more clouds, angel wing?

Friday 22 July 2011

July 14 2011 Mount Fernie

just neat clouds
Letting the truck cool down
Thursday July 14 2011
Left  Grand Forks BC at 8:30.  The Salmo pass thru the mountains is pretty steep, especially when truck is acting up.  We saw a pasture with a few horses in it up by the road and one of the horses had 5 birds sitting  on its back, the horse just kept on eating and the birds relaxing as the horse moved around.  Before Creston, on the pass thru the mountains, we were on a steep grade and it started raining, then ice pellets.   Temperature down to 48 F.  Now we are into just rain and temp up to 53 degrees, then it turned to snow!!!!!!!!.  We stopped in Creston at the GM dealer to ask about the truck but they couldn't look at it today, not till next week sometime.  So we went  for lunch.  The truck mileage thru the mountains is 16.6 l / 100 km.  We drove to Mount Fernie to stop for the night, stopped about 5:00.  It is a provincial park, doesn't have any hook ups.  There is no office, you just look at the board and see what spots are available and go pick one and park.  At night a park employee comes around and collects the fee ($21.00 per night) ($6.00 for fire wood).  When we were stopped to see where to go at the front of the park there was something moving in the bushes on the side of the road.  We saw that it was really big and finally figured out it was a moose, didn't get a very good pic but you can tell its the head of the moose.  Had a fire for a while, been a long time, really enjoyed it.  It rained a bit during the night. 

July 13 2011 Grand Forks, BC

Gravel/sand on mountains, lots of slides
Near Princeton hardly any trees

every corner a beautiful new scene

Wednesday July 13 2011
Great trip.  Left Chilliwack about 9:30, east on Hwy #1 till Hope where we got on Hwy #3 for the rest of the trip to Alberta.  Different route than 1 and a bit longer but thought we would see some different scenery.  So far it is beautiful.    We were going around a curve on a down hill on a mountain when a deer came out at the side of the road (steep drop off to a rapid moving stream).  The deer was soaking wet, must have swam across the stream.  Scared us but it turned around and went back down, I guess it decided not a good move to come on the highway!!!!!!!!!!  Going thru Princeton there are not a lot of trees, seems strange after all the trees along the way.  Stopped and got diesel $1.26/l and noon.  The mountains around Princeton are very sandy/gravel looks like lots of land slides.  Keremeos is all fruit stands and orchards and lots of vineyards and winery's right after this town.    Really nice area, beautiful scenery.  Osoyoos - 80 degrees F,  all the rest of the driving has been around 59 - 63 F.  It is like a desert here, pretty cool.  We stopped in Grand Forks, got diesel $1.23/l and picked up a few groceries.  We are staying in Grand Forks for the night at Riviera Camp ground, right on Hwy 3.  When we put the address into the GPS she told us to turn into the campground it was a mobile home park...... can't turn around.......back up............ no camping here....., went down the road aways and saw another one so pulled in and it turned out to be the one we were looking for (6331 Hwy 3, same address).  The guy here says the GPS get messed up here.  It is not the nicest campground but they had a spot for us and we are only here one night.  It was nice out so we sat outside for awhile.  They say they have highspeed internet but it is pretty weak, can't get it working hardly at all.  Also it is right by the highway so a bit noisey.   Nice people here though, wouldn't recomend it for a long stay but overnight its ok.

Thursday 21 July 2011

July 12 2011 Chilliwack

Tuesday July 12 2011
Stayed around trailer  mostly, ran some errands, stopped to see Josh, and got ready to leave tomorrow.  went out for supper at the Italian restaurant that we went to when we first got here Frankie's over by the arena.  Sea food linguini again, awesome again!  Came back and started watching Sons of Anarchy, we have heard from a few people that it is a good show, so we bought the first season on DVD. 

July 11 2011 Chilliwack

Monday July 11 2011
Took a drive down Chilliwack Lake Rd.  Tried to find the lady that makes carders (for spinning) she does not have a store front, when I called her she didn't sound very receptive to people stopping in and then we lost phone signal so just drove around that beautiful area.  Lots of cool houses.  Stopped at a market and bought some fresh vegi's and fruit.   Pretty quiet day.

Monday 11 July 2011

July 10 2011 Chilliwack BC

Sunday July 10 2011
Relaxing morning hanging out at the trailer.  Went on a tour around the area.  There is a map out for farms, artisans, nature sites etc so we did some of that.  First stop was Bridal Falls, 15 minute walk up to the bottom of the falls (lots of mosquitos).    Next on to Agassiz,  went to a herb farm with a restaurant and a gift shop.  Beautiful scenerey around there.  They have frequent sitings of all kinds of wildlife.  Then on to the Cheese Farm.  They make all their own cheese from goats and cows milk.  We bought blue cheese and goats milk cheddar, really good, a cheese ball and little round white one with a soft middle, forget the name.   Then to a place called the Back Porch that roasts their own coffee (smells awesome there) and they do pottery and have antiques, goats and chickens.  Didn't buy anything there but took pics.  Then off to Kirby, nice drive, gift store and a flour mill and restaurant.  We headed back to the trailer and had a nice supper, salad with the crumbled blue cheese we bought and smoked salmon and smoked tuna from yesterday in Salt Spring Island, delicious!!!!!!!!!!!  The weather is nice enough to be outside but those darn mosquitoes???????????????  We should stay on Vancouver Island, no bugs bothered us there.  Mark's door is always open, no screen, the dog walks in and out when she wants, only saw one fly and one moth!

Bridal Veil Falls, Chilliwack
Trees are covered in moss, no leaves on bottom at Falls

?????? neat tree Agassiz

Apple Corer


Fraser River very high, overflowing