Thursday 30 June 2011

June 29 2011 Chilliwack British Columbia

Wildlife Crossings over the road
Mother bear and 2 cubs
Avalanche tunnels
Lights in the tunnel
playing frisbee in traffic jam
Wednesday June 29 2011
Left Banff at 9:30 heading to Chilliwack.  Thought we would stop half way but ended up driving straight thru.  We took the Trans Canada all the way to #5 at Kamloops then south to catch up with Trans Canada again.  Just outside of Banff heading to Lake Louise we saw 2 big elk on side of road, didn't get picture though we didn't see them till last minute.  A short distance later we saw people pulling over on the side of the road with cameras (about 5 cars) we saw a mother bear and her two cubs.  We pulled over but there were so many people that they were heading back into the bush.  Got a couple pics though, pretty cool to see them.   Crossed into British Columbia at 10:30am.  Stopped in Golden to get diesel $1.31.1 at noon.  We had to go down at 10 mile hill at a 6% grade - Hank did it without using the breaks, just using the transmission, worked out well.  Going thru Rogers Pass they had avalanche tunnels.  At 1:00 we heard that highway #1 was closed at Agassi, which is right before Chilliwack, due to a mudslide.  Made us start thinking of ways to get around there, as we had decided that we would try to make it to Chilliwack since the driving was going so well.  It was 73 F in Salmon Arm, we left Banff at 58F  and have seen everything in between.  Diesel in Salmon Arm $1.22/l.  Got deisel in Merrit, same price.  We have had nice roads since Banff, some construction in Alberta but not much in BC.    There is no fuel for 110km after you leave Merritt heading west.    We were close to Hope BC and the GPS said 45 minutes to our campsite in Chilliwack, BUTTTTTTTT, we were now in a traffic jam due to the mudslide.  They were re routing everyone thru Hope, what a mess.  The landslide happened at 11am this was just before 6pm and still traffic was backed way up.  It was stopped for 20 minutes then move slow then stop then slow finally into Hope, then stop for a good 1/2 hour or more,  make a long story short our 45 minutes to campground took a little over 4 hours.  We didn't get here till about 10:15pm.  We were exhausted and glad to get stopped.  The guy put us in a site close to the front (a drive thru) for the night.  It was really noisy as it is close to the trans canada highway.  But he said we could look at other sites tomorrow and see if we could find something else towards the back where it is quieter.  We didn't even unhook, just had a drink, a quick bite to eat (no supper) then to bed.

June 28 2011 Banff Alberta

Ont the way into Banff
Bow Falls, Banff
Bow Falls
Tuesday June 28 2011
Drove around Banff looking for WIFI hot spot, no where to park and hook up with anything.  Went to Visitor Info and they did not have a hotspot there.  We could go to a restaurant and buy something maybe hook up there.  We were looking for a carwash and turned the wrong way and ended up finding Bow Falls, really nice, sat there for awhile and then went back the other way and found the car wash.  Washed the truck but some of the dirt didn't come off so will have to do it by hand.  Went to Canmore to the home hardware and the bulk food store there, Banff is too touristy.   We went to Boston Pizza for lunch.  Everywhere you drive here is wow!!!!!  We had supper with Dick and Linda, it is their 42 anniversary today.  The weather was great today sunny (shorts weather).  Deisel was $1.10.9/l.  Packed up the outside of the trailer, chairs, bbq etc as we are heading out in the morning.  The days have flown by pretty quick, glad we stopped here though it is beautiful and enjoyed our visit with Dick and Linda.

June 27 2011 Banff Alberta

Lake Louise with Linda and Dick
throwing snow
Moraine Lake and us!
Elk in our park
Monday June 27 2011
Went into Canmore to get groceries at Sobeys, nice town, very touristy though.    Prices quite high, but Linda and Dick got groceries a few days ago at Safeway in Canmore and the prices were even higher there.  We came back to trailers and had lunch then headed for Lake Louise and Moraine Lake, they are pretty close together.    Moraine Lake is the picture on the back of our $20.00 bills.  They are both absolutely beautiful.  Tooks lots of pictures.  On the way we saw a few crossings for wildlife, pretty cool, amazing how they know to use them.  While in Lake Moraine we heard like a thunder noise and finally figured out it was an avalanche up in the mountains.  Didn't look very big but must have been bigger than we could see when we could here the thundering noise.  Took pics of that.  Then went over to Lake Louise, the last pics I saw of it were from Doug and Darlene and it was frozen when they were there and i think that was in May.  The water is very cold but it was all thawed and beautiful colours, that greeny blue.   Passing between the two lakes (up the mountain) we saw a place where there had been a rock avalanche that had come across the road and wiped out the guard rail and all the posts were broken off.  Must have been not too long ago as everything was still hanging down the  side of the mountain.  Lake Louise is 220 ft deep and the water never gets about 50 degrees F.  Got back to our campsites and had happy hour and the neighbours beside us came over, really nice people, he is working on the highway projects around here.  Lots of laughs.  they are from Vancouver Island.  Had dinner then went for a walk around the park, everywhere you turn you see a mountain, awesome!

Avalanche at Moraine Lake

June 26 2011 Banff Alberta

Entrance to Tunnel Mountain Campground
Sunday June 26 2011
Left Susie and Dale about 10:45, heading for Banff.  Didn’t stop anywhere on this drive.  We had rain about half way but it cleared up closer to Banff.  There was a big bicycle for Cancer ride going on (3000 bikes).  They were all along the way for the first half of our trip.  We arrived in Banff about 1:00 at Tunnel Mountain campground.  We got site 810, across from Dick and Linda, our friends that we met in Florida, they are from Ohio.  Hank got the satelite dish set up finally, he has tried a few times and couldn’t get it working.  We had happy hour with Dick and Linda, back to Florida routine!!!!!!!!!!  It was a cool evening so we are in early.

June 25 2011 Turner Valley Alberta

Joanne, Susie, Christie
Johnny, Susie, Hank  "the cousins"
"Are you ready boys"
Saturday June 25, 2011
We left Johnny and Joanne’s about 10:00 driving back to Turner Valley.  Gassed up in Taber about 11:30 (smoke break for Susie)  diesel $1.20/l  We had a close call leaving Taber, the car in front of us suddenly moved to the next lane, as he was moving I saw the cars stopped on the road in front of him and told Hank to stop or move quick.  There was an antique car in that lane with a flat tire and 2 cars stopped behind him, not even off the road.  Two guys were working on the car one laying behind it on the road, if we had hit the back car (which was close to happening) it would have pushed that car into the next and hit the guy laying on the road.  Scarey!!!!  Then when we turned off of Highway 3 onto 519 a big truck went by and thru a stone on our windshield, nice big chip on drivers side.  Linda called to tell us that they had arrived in Banff (we are meeting them on Sunday) they are in campsite 811 so we want to get a site close to them.  We passed a place called Jack Ass Junction, just wondered if it is related to Black Ass Acres, Elaine?  Got diesel in Aldersyde, almost back to Susie’s,  $1.11.9/l.  We had a salmon dinner, salmon that Dale caught on his fishing trip to BC, really good, and Susie’s scalloped potatoes (got the recipe) and carrots.  Then we played scrabble for a couple hours, lots of laughs!!!!  When we were pulling our letters to see who goes first I got an R and Hank got a V,  RV sounds right eh! 

June 24 2011 Seven Person Alberta

Sand silos where Johnny works in Medicine Hat
Kiln used to dry the pottery at Medalta Stone Ware
John at his desk at his office
Johnny and his Harley
Friday June 24 2011
Went sightseeing in Medicine Hat.  John had to go to work for a while, so we went and toured where he works and then Joanne took us touring while he stayed there.  John works at a sand distribution centre, the sand is shipped for fracking in the oil fields.   We drove around the town, pretty town built up on hills and down in valleys.  We toured the Medalta Pottery Factory.  Quite interesting, Historic Clay Factory.  The old machinery was amazing.  Picked up John and went for Chinese food lunch, very good.  Then took a drive and came back to the house for dinner and a walk about the town, lots of back alleys to investigate especially for curious Susie!!!!  Bon fire again tonight.

June 23 2011 Seven Person Alberta

Susie and Joanne attempting to start fire!!!!!
Susie (no fire yet)
Hanks steps in to help
Thursday June 23 2011
By the time we got in the house this morning Tim was gone to work and Chris was just leaving.  Had breakfast with Sue and Dale and then we are heading back to Sevenpersons (Medicine Hat) to spend the next 2 days with cousin John and Joanne.  Sue is coming with us, we will come back here on Saturday.  Had a good drive south on Hwy 2 to #3 thru Lethbridge.  Saw a couple accidents (haven’t seen any so far) one a pick up truck somehow got under a telephone pole and the pole had crushed the roof.  The other was a transport truck tipped over in the ditch.  They were unloading it on its side before trying to upright it.  It was full of boxes.  Arrived in Seven Persons about 3.  Had a nice bon fire and dinner.

Finally a great fire!

June 22 2011 Turner Valley Alberta

Dale and Kayden

Tim and Chris
Wednesday June 22 2011
Stayed at the campground in Drumheller till about 1:00.  Then left for Sue and Dales.  Took Hwy 9 to Rosebud then to #21, to Trans Canada then 22X to 22 to Turner Valley.  We stopped and got gas in Strathmore $1.16/l at 2:45pm.  Arrived in Turner Valley about 4:00.  Sue thought we could fit the trailer in their backyard but that wasn't going to work.  We just parked on the street.  Sue and Dale made steak neptune for supper, we had it 15 years ago when we were here.  BBQ'd steaks with asparagus, cra bmeat and hollandaise sauce on it.  So good!!!!  Baked potato and salad with it too.  Tim and Chris their sons were here too, great to see them.  We got to meet Chris's son Kayden he is 2 1/2.   Another one that doesn't hold still for pictures.   We went to bed about 10 in the trailer, it was on quite an angle sitting in the street, almost rolled out of bed.  Had a good nights sleep regardless though.

June 21 2011 Drumheller Alberta

Horse Thief Canyon
Tuesday June 21 2011  
Bleiriot Ferry
Orkney Viewpoint
We drove on around the South and North loop of Drumheller.  The South loop is the nicest in our opinion.  Hwy 838, we went up on top of the bad lands andit is flat up there and lots of farm land and quite a few oil wells working.  We went to Horse Thief Canyon, mini grand canyon. The canyon was named this because it was said that horses who roamed down in there came out with a different brand on them.   Then to took the Bierot Ferry, an old cable run Ferry going across the Red Deer River.  River only about 50ft wide.   Hank mentioned to the guys running it that it would probably pay for them to put a bridge across, they said that is a bad word there, then they would be out of jobs.    Then to Orkney Lookout, another view point on the Red Deer River.  Continued driving back into Drumheller and start on the North Loop.
1 of the 11 bridges on the way to Wayne
Last Chance Saloon in Wayne Alberta
This ones for you Wayne W.
Hoo Doo's
suspension bridge
The north loop was not as scenic as the south loop.  Went to town of Wayne, you have to pass 11 small narrow bridges to get there.  The river winds back and forth to make it necessary for so many bridges that close together.   The sign coming into Wayne said population 27.  The main attraction in Wayne is an old Saloon.   Driving along the road there we noticed that the small farms along there only have to fence the sides and front as the back is against the big bad land hills.  We headed back late afternoon.  Stopped and bought Hank a burner set up for the small propane tanks so he can cook fish outside and not stink/smoke up the trailer!!!!!  Bbq'd some turkey and had a bon fire for a few hours.  Mosquitos weren't too bad.

June 20 2011 Drumheller Alberta

these little guys were all over the place
Tyrell Museum
Monday June 20 2011
Well I think Randy and Judy wore us out we slept for 11 ½ hours last night!  We went to the Tyrell Museum and toured around all the awesome dinosaur displays.  Really enjoyed it.  Then went on the walk around in the bad lands by the museum.  Spent about 3 hours there.  It really is a neat place.  We took a drive into town, had lunch, and drove around a bit.  Near down town there are some really quaint houses.  One for sale that we really liked, looked like a gingerbread cottage.  Came back to trailer to work on blog, set one up on Travel Journal but didn’t like it, so will try something else.  We ate the fish that Joel and Hank caught back at West Hawk Lake.  Tasted really good.  Although Hank cooked them in oil, like deep fried, and smoked up the trailer!  Played backgammon then off to read in bed at 9:30.


Rock Layers
hip bone to heavy for skeleton
Ceratopsian - horned herbivores

June 19 2011 Drumheller Alberta

Randy and Judy
Elk farm on the way out of St. Paul, this is where Judy caught up with  us and brought us the things we forgot lol
we stopped on road side for a break and these cows were watching us intently
Sunday June 19 2011
Had breakfast with Randy and Judy and headed out around 10am.  Hard to get a good pic of the two of them!!!!
We stopped to take pics at an elk farm not far from Randy and Judy's.  Judy caught up with us there and brought us the things we forgot at their place.  Good driving, in and out of rain though.  Stopped near Viking, $1.25/l.  Made it to Drumheller about 3.  We are at the Dinosaur Trail RV Resort.  Expensive ($50.00/night) plus internet $3. For 24 hours.  They pack you in pretty good here, close together.  It is still raining, not hard but just not nice out.  We bbq burgers for supper.  Talked to Johnny (Hanks cousin) and Susie (Hanks sister) trying to figure out the plans for this coming weekend.  We were in bed by 9, didn’t even read for very long.

June 18 2011 St. Paul Alberta

Mickey (Cujo in disguise)
Saturday June 18 2011
Another rainy day, slow start, we slept late.  Hank and Randy got the truck and trailer washed, Randy has a hotsy power washer, cleaned them up pretty slick.  Their son Billy and friends of Randy and Judy’s, Evey and Dave came for supper, another steak bbq.  Had a great meal and a nice evening with all of them.  We stayed up till about 11 though that is late for us!!!!!!!!!!!!

June 17 2011 St. Paul Alberta

Friday June 17 2011
Slept really good, went into town to run some errands, then back home and got to spend a couple hours out on the deck in the sun, woo hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!  Randy came home about 4.  We went to a 4H bbq for supper, great meal, the kids did a good job of putting it on.  They had their awards and some skits too.  It rained thru most of it though.  We had a great steak dinner, all for free.  It was a thank you dinner for the people who supported them by buying their steers etc.

Hank and the critters!!!!!!

June 16 2011 St. Paul Alberta

the bad part of #36 after #45 this isn't the worst but I was hanging on during the bad part so no pic
just a neat old barn on Hwy 36
Thursday June 16 2011
Left John’s at 9 am heading to St. Paul Alberta (north east of Edmonton) to visit Randy and Judy.  Drove in and out of rain all the way. Took hwy 36 all the way to St. Paul.  Stopped and got diesel near Hanna  at 12:00, $1.08.9/l, this is a good place to stop, it is a Flying Jay, big parking lot, Shell, cafĂ©.  Took a picture of an old barn near Killem.  Stopped in Viking for gas too.  Same price.  There are a couple of jogs in hwy 36 and the last one #45, when we turned back on the continuing #36 it was terrible.  It is under construction and there aren’t any signs to tell you that it is not really passable.  We got going and I said to Hank, “what the H are we getting into” I took a picture at the start which wasn’t even the worst part.  I just held on, Hank put the truck in 4 wheel drive and got us thru it.  The truck and trailer were a mess, covered in mud!!!!!!!Great to see Judy, Randy is still at work and will be till tomorrow afternoon sometime.  They have a new puppy, 4 months old, what a blast, he is crazy, they call him Mickey but Randy says he should be named Cujo.  Had a lot of fun with him.  We had a nice dinner with Judy and an early night (as usual for us).