Tuesday 21 June 2011

June 8 2011 Starting Out

June 8, 2011
We are finally on our way, left home at 8 am.  It took a lot to pack the trailer, with Joel's stuff that he couldn't take with him when he moved there and some stuff for Josh.  Not sure we can sleep in there till we empty it.  We stopped in Reeces Corners for gas, $1.08/l.  After gassing up Hank moved the truck to the side to go in and pay.  I was looking for a map so went to go to the trailer, saw all these oriental guys (2 buses full) taking pictures of our trailer and truck.  I unlocked trailer door to go in and 2 of them came up and started looking in the door, then asked if they could come in (more came and stood around but thank goodness only 2 came in).  It was such a mess in there with boxes and box springs and mattress cover and bed frame and everything all over the place, packed where it would fit.  Anyway they asked if it had a bathroom and just looked around then asked if they could take a photo, I said sure, not realizing they wanted me in it with one of the guys lol.  They finally left and when we got outside there were a lot more taking pictures of the trailer so I hurried up and locked the door, put the steps up and got in the truck.  It cost $6. To cross the bridge.
We were nervous about crossing the border with all the stuff in the trailer, we got up there and the lady asked where we were going, we told her to see our son in Manitoba, she said so you are just passing through the states, we said yes hopefully just one night stay.  She said ok have a nice trip.  That was it, awesome.
Our first stop was Exit 202 Alger, Michigan, for gas, $4.00/gal.  Our next stop was Exit 310 and that was due to a bad storm, we just pulled off as did most others, it was so bad.  Hail, lightening, thunder and blinding downpour with high winds.    It dropped from 92 degrees to 62 degrees.
We were crossing the Mackinac bridge at 3:00. Cost $8.00 to cross.  Speed was reduced on bridge due to high winds, storm was over by then but the caution was still up, 20 miles/hour for trucks and vehicles towing trailers.
Should fill up before Mackinac Bridge no diesel till Munising.  A nice drive along the water of Lake Michigan on Hwy 2.  But along way with no towns or gas stations etc.  Along this drive it dropped to 50 degrees yuck!!!!!
Then before Marquette we ran into fog.  Didn't have to stop but it was getting worse as we  went, thank goodness we turned off on 41 and headed further inland and left the fog behind us.
We are stopped in Ishpeming at a Best Western (didn't want to fight the trailer).   Went for dinner and now relaxing watching the hockey game.

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