Thursday 30 June 2011

June 12 Falcon Beach

June 12 2011 Sunday
Another good nights sleep although woke up a few times in the night but went right back to sleep.  It is quiet here.  Hank was on the road before 7 (and he was pretty noisey getting ready)  I got up at 7:30, couldn't go back to sleep.  I spent the day, tidying up, reading, walking, getting supper ready, reading, reading reading.  Lovely sunny day, got a little sun burn but thoroughly enjoyed the quiet day.  The camp ground pretty well cleared out, not many left.  By 5 I was wondering where the guys were I thought they would have been back earlier.  By  6 I was getting hungry and they still weren't back so I started supper at 6:30.  They came in just before 7.  I had texted but didn't get any answer.  Found out Joel had been texting but I wasn't getting them.  I was on the phone with Virgin mobile hopefully they get the message thing straightened out by tomorrow as promised and I will ask them if it affected texting too.
It almost got away!!!!!!

Joel's friend Simpson cleaning the trout
Joel trying to untangle his fish from the rocks/weeds

Anyway Hank and Joel are back and safe and had a great day by the sounds of it.  They both got some sun.   Here's their story.  Hank left campsite at 6:45 and headed over to pick Joel up, they got to Kenora about 8.  They left in Joel's friend Gord's truck and headed to Trout Lake.  28 km on pavement and then another 50 km on gravel road.  So far north the black bears came out and waved at them, (they did see 2 bears on the side of the road).   Finally got to the spot and then had to hike thru a muddy, clay track thru the bush to the lake.   They fished in a boat for the rest of the day, we all got our limit (2 each) trout.  They stopped and had a shore lunch with their fishing expert (Simpson).  He set up his campstove, cleaned 3 trout, cooked them in oil, they were really good.  Of course Hank didn't catch his, somebody had to do it for him.
When we were stopped for our lunch Joel thru a line in with the spinner open.  Didn't know he had a fish for awhile, when he realized he did it had run for awhile and was caught up around a rock in about 8 feet of water.  so him and Gord went out in the boat and tried to get the line untangled.  They couldn't but Joel looked over the side and could see the fish and thought he could get it with the dip net.  He scooped the dip net down and got the fish, which got off the hook but he kept it in the net and got it in the boat.  They all had a good laugh over that one!  Long fun day.
shore lunch MMMMMMMMMMM Good
We had a bbq for supper and sat around the fire with Joel.  took him back about 9:30, hate leaving him again but we will be back on our way back home in July.  We took pictures of the place he lives and works (both the same place, his apt building bunk house is on the work lot).  On the way back to our campsite driving on Highway 1, we have been seeing a beautiful lake sunset and haven't had the camera with us, so tonight we made sure we had the camera and stopped and took pictures of it, it was a bit cloudy and later than usual but it was still beautiful.  We have had a wonderful 3 days visit with Joel.  Now on to the next leg of our journey.

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