Thursday 30 June 2011

June 22 2011 Turner Valley Alberta

Dale and Kayden

Tim and Chris
Wednesday June 22 2011
Stayed at the campground in Drumheller till about 1:00.  Then left for Sue and Dales.  Took Hwy 9 to Rosebud then to #21, to Trans Canada then 22X to 22 to Turner Valley.  We stopped and got gas in Strathmore $1.16/l at 2:45pm.  Arrived in Turner Valley about 4:00.  Sue thought we could fit the trailer in their backyard but that wasn't going to work.  We just parked on the street.  Sue and Dale made steak neptune for supper, we had it 15 years ago when we were here.  BBQ'd steaks with asparagus, cra bmeat and hollandaise sauce on it.  So good!!!!  Baked potato and salad with it too.  Tim and Chris their sons were here too, great to see them.  We got to meet Chris's son Kayden he is 2 1/2.   Another one that doesn't hold still for pictures.   We went to bed about 10 in the trailer, it was on quite an angle sitting in the street, almost rolled out of bed.  Had a good nights sleep regardless though.

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