Wednesday 22 June 2011

June 11 2011 Falcon Beach

Joel and his Corona cowboy hat
Brought Joel a computer, now can he figure it out!!!!!  
Getting the fishing lines ready for tomorrow
Had a great nights sleep, put the alpaca duvet on too, really toasty, it was cool outside and we didn't turn any heat on in the trailer.  Woke up about 7:30, but were so warm just stayed there till 8.  Almost had a panick thought we forgot the coffee!!!!!!!!!!  Finally found it, we are ok!
  It is beautiful out, sun shining, no wind, birds chirping (no kids out yet, pretty quiet lol).  So far we have (or I have) found  that I forgot my jacket and my deodorant.  
Picked Joel up at 11 and ran some errands, groceries etc that we needed, got Hank a fishing license and some other fishing necessities.  Toured around West Hawk Lake camp, nice but not as nice as where we are.  Came back to our camp for bbq and fire.  Nice relaxing visit with Joel, we are really enjoying our time with him.  Took him home about 9:30 so the guys could get a good nights sleep as they are planning on fishing in the morning with a friend of Joels.  Have to set the alarm for 6, Hank doesn't like the time too much lol.  They got their fishing lines and tackle ready for morning.  Joel and I went up to the cafe for internet access and set up skype on his computer and he got to talk to Oma.  Tried calling Aunt Heather and Grandma but no answer.   Gas $1.10/l

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