Thursday 30 June 2011

June 15 2011 Seven Person Alberta

Johnny and Joanne
Johnny and Hank (cousins)
Wednesday June 15 2011
We got up at 5:45am.  Hank had to have alarm set that early cause he said Doug was timing him, thanks Doug lol!!  We were hooked up by 6 then in the house to eat, shower, coffee.  We left at 7:15 when Doug left for work.  Stopped at 10am in Grenfell Diesel was $1.20.9/l  We drove in rain from Brandon to just outside Hargrave, about 90 km.  The land all along is still so wet and lots of water laying around that no one is on the fields and nothing planted.  The land looked like it was starting to dry up about Indian Head but still there was lots of spots along the way that were still under water.  Still nothing planted.  Regina area was still pretty wet.  Stopped in Morse, Sask at a co-op for diesel.  It was a card lock place but they pumped it for us no problem.  She said you could get a card for the card lock ones, even if you don’t use it all the time and you could use these places 24/7, might be an idea.   We passed thru Herbert and a sign there said there was an alpaca gift shop at the Herbert Hotel, but we didn’t go in.  Should check it out sometime.  Near Swift Current was the first tractor out working on the land, haven’t seen any action that way since we left Brandon.  Just past Swift Current took a picture of a rain cloud.  Near Maple Creek took some cloud pics.  We gassed up at Maple Creek for $1.20/l.
We arrived at Johhny’s (Hank’s cousin) in Seven Person’s (south of Medicine Hat Alberta) about 5pm Alberta time.  We drove 10 hours.  Parked in his driveway for the night.  Had a nice visit with John, Joanne, and their friend from Wallaceburg Jethro.  Jethro had just flown in today for a week stay with them.  We sat out at the bonfire till 9:30pm.  Really nice fire pit, big, it is a plate for a stone crusher that was worn out.  It started raining so we all went in but that was around 9:30 anyway.  This is a first, Hank and Johnny together and they were in their houses by 9:30 and gone to bed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  They have always been the  “party hardy crew” , what happened!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And neither one of them got in trouble!

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